
Personified Siri

Apple released iOS 5.1 and started Japanese support of Siri. Then, the Japanese personified Siri immediately.

Siriちゃん早速擬人化だよー\(^o^)/お尻がチャームポイントだよー\(^o^)/... on Twitpic

siriが流行ってるときいて on Twitpic
Why does she show ass? Because Siri means ass in Japanese(Would not Steve Jobs knew it?).

Siri日本版発表を記念して「Siri擬人化」イラストを描いてみました(^^) #siri... on Twitpic

siriさんがバニーちゃんに見えて仕方なくてですね... on Twitpic

ちょっと高慢で不器用で寂しがり屋のsiriさんが、日本語対応するのをどれだけ待っていたかっていうアレな気持ちを落書きしてみ... on Twitpic

ところでみんなsiriさんにエロい事話しかけて困惑させてるみたいなんだけどsiriさんってこういう事なんだけど大丈夫か?(... on Twitpic

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An interesting point of this is that there are images of the butler. When Japanese people personified something until now, it was a beautiful girl in many cases. However, Siri is service of only a text. Therefore women may imagine a butler.

In addition, the Japanese does a funny experiment by using Siri. For example, they say blue jokes to Siri and inspect answers [Japanese].

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